Two people sitting down at a table having a difficult conversation

How to Have Difficult Conversations with Clients as a Realtor without Emotions Taking Over

Tips for realtors on how to have difficult conversations with clients in a productive and respectful way.

Aug 15

As a realtor, you will inevitably have to have difficult conversations with clients. Whether it's about a low purchase offer, a property that is priced too high, or not enough showings happening, these conversations can be challenging.

The key to having these conversations without emotions taking over is to be prepared, professional, and empathetic. Here are some specific tips for having difficult conversations with clients as a realtor:

  1. Prepare ahead of time.
    Think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. This will help you stay calm and focused during the conversation.
  2. Choose the right time and place.
    Don't have a difficult conversation when you're feeling stressed or tired. Find a time when you're both calm and can give the conversation your full attention.
  3. Start by acknowledging the client's feelings.
    Let them know that you understand that they may be feeling upset or disappointed. This will help them feel heard and respected.
  4. Use "I" statements to express your feelings.
    This will help you stay calm and avoid blaming the client. For example, instead of saying "You're not getting any offers because your price is too high," you could say "I'm concerned that your property may not sell if we don't lower the price."
  5. Listen actively.
    Really listen to what the client is saying, even if you don't agree with them. This will help you understand their perspective and build trust.
  6. Be willing to compromise.
    Don't expect to get everything you want out of the conversation. Be willing to negotiate and find a solution that works for both of you.
  7. Take a break if you need to.
    If the conversation is getting too heated, take a break to cool down. This will help you come back to the conversation with a fresh perspective.
  8. End the conversation on a positive note.
    Thank the client for their time and let them know that you appreciate their willingness to talk.
  9. Be honest and transparent.
    Don't sugarcoat the situation or try to hide the truth. The client deserves to know where things stand.
  10. Be professional.
    Even if the client is upset, it's important to remain professional and respectful. This will help to de-escalate the situation and keep the conversation productive.
  11. Be empathetic.
    Try to see the situation from the client's perspective. This will help you understand their feelings and make it more likely that they will be open to your ideas.
  12. Be patient.
    It may take time to resolve the issue. Don't expect to solve everything in one conversation.

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Keep reading for moreā€¦

Having difficult conversations can be challenging, but it's an important skill to develop as a realtor. By following these tips, you can learn to have these conversations in a way that is productive and respectful.

Examples of difficult conversations that realtors may have to have with clients:

  • A low purchase offer.
    If a client receives a low purchase offer on their home, it's important to be honest with them about the situation. Explain that the offer is below market value and that it may not be enough to cover their costs. Be prepared to answer any questions they may have and to offer them some suggestions for negotiating with the buyer.
  • A property that is priced too high.
    If a client is pricing their property too high, it's important to have a conversation with them about it. Explain that the property is not likely to sell if it's priced above market value. Be prepared to show them some comparable properties that have sold recently and to offer them some suggestions for pricing their property more competitively.
  • Not enough showings happening.
    If a client's property is not getting enough showings, it's important to investigate the reason why. Are the photos not appealing? Is the property priced too high? Is it in a bad location? Once you know the reason why, you can work with the client to make some changes.

Having difficult conversations with clients can be challenging, but it's an important part of being a realtor. By following these tips, you can learn to have these conversations in a way that is productive and respectful.

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